Kati Bihu Quotes And Wishes


কাতিৰ আলোকে সকলোৰে জীৱনলৈ কঢ়িয়াই আনক সুখ, সমৃদ্ধি শান্তিৰ বতৰা। কৃষিজীৱী ৰাইজৰ মন আশাৰ সোনগুটিৰে উপচি পৰক মোৰ ৰ ফালৰ পৰা জনালোঁ আপোনালৈ অলেখ শুভকামনা।

অসমীয়া বাপতিসাহোন কাতি বিহুৰ সকলোলৈকে শুভেচ্ছা জনালোঁ। 

 সদৌটি ৰাইজলৈ কাতি বিহুৰ আন্তৰিক শুভেচ্ছা জ্ঞাপন কৰিলো । জয় আই অসম ।

তুলসীৰ তলে, মৃগ পহু চৰে তাকে দেখি ৰামচন্দ্ৰই হৰ ধনু ধৰে ।। কাৰ ঘৰত, লগাই চাকি গোঁসাই ফুৰে দিনে ৰাতি অ’ ৰাম, অ’ ৰাম ৰাম ৰাম ৰাম।। 

কাতি বিহুৰ শুভেচ্ছা জনালো । অসমৰ ঘৰে ঘৰে জ্বলি উঠক তুলসী তলৰ চাকি আৰু পথাৰত জ্বলি উঠক আকাশবন্তি। কঙালীৰ গৰ্ভতে অঙ্কুৰিত হওক ভোগালীৰ বীজ। 

°Happy Kati Bihu° মোৰ ফালৰ পৰা অাপোনাক অাৰু অাপোনাৰ পৰিয়ালৰ সকলোলৈকে কাতি বিহুৰ অান্তৰিক শুভেচ্ছা অাৰু শুভকামণা যাঁচিলো। 

কাতি বিহুৰ আন্তৰিক শুভেচ্ছা জনালো ।চাকিৰ পোহৰে জীৱনৰ অন্ধকাৰ নাশ কৰি পোহৰেৰে উজ্বলাই তোলক তাৰেই কামনা কৰিলো 

 সমূহ অসমবাসী ৰাইজলৈ বাপোতি সাহোন কাতি বিহুৰ আন্তৰিক শুভেচ্ছা জ্ঞাপন কৰিছোঁ । আশা কৰো এই বিহুৱে অসমীয়াৰ জাতিৰ স্বকীয় গৌৰৱময় ইতিহাসৰ ধ্বজ্বা সগৌৰৱে বহন কৰক ।

মোৰ তৰফৰ পৰা সকলোকে কাতি বিহুৰ শুভেচ্ছা জনালো ।  

সকলোকে কাতি বিহুৰ শুভেচ্ছা জনালো........ 

মোৰ ৰ ফালৰ পৰা জনালোঁ আপোনালৈ কাতি বিহুৰ অলেখ শুভকামনা। 

সকলোলৈকে কাতি বিহুৰ আন্তৰিক শুভেচ্ছা জ্ঞাপন কৰিলো। 



Another, Bihu, another Year and here you are waiting for a life that you have always imagined for! May your world fills with life and the surrounding gets surrounded with love!

I wish your future brightens up with joy and happiness like the colours of love and success just like the vibrant festival of Bihu. Let this Bihu give you the strength to do all that you wanted to do last year but couldn’t accomplish. 

Hoping this Bihu brings happiness, prosperity and peace in your life. 

 Let us vow to take life in our stride this Bihu and make it tolerable as well as beautiful by accepting sorrow and happiness with sanity.

From this Bihu let us go forward with great hope that all things will be possible.


On the first day of the Assamese calendar month of Kati (Kartik), Kati Bihu is a regional public holiday in the Indian state of Assam.

Bhogali, or Magh Bihu, is celebrated on January 13th or 14th, Rongali, or Bohag Bihu, is celebrated on April 14th or 15th, and Kongali, or Kati Bihu, is celebrated in October.

The Bihu are all linked to agriculture in some way. The other two Bihu are used to commemorate important harvest dates. This Bihu is commemorated when the rice saplings are relocated - Kati meaning "cut."

Because the granaries are generally empty and there isn't much to eat at this time of year, Kati Bihu is also known as Kongali ("Poor").

This implies that Kati Bihu is not as flashy as the other Bihus, and the celebrations are more solemn.

Lamps or saaki (candles) are lit in various sections of the home to commemorate this Bihu. In the courtyard, near the sacred Tulsi plant, the main lamp is lit.

In Hinduism, the Tulsi plant is regarded extremely fortunate. The plant is believed to have a variety of therapeutic qualities that can help people with a variety of diseases.

 The plant is washed and put on an earthen platform called a "Tulsi Bheti" for Kati Bihu. Offerings and prayers are offered to Goddess Tulsi for the family's well-being and a plentiful crop. This official procedure will last throughout the month of Kati.

Farmers use a unique sort of lantern called 'Akaxh Banti' in the paddy fields (Sky candle). On the tops of tall bamboo poles, these mustard oil lamps are set. These lamps are said to be lighted to direct ancestors to paradise, but they also serve a practical function by attracting insects to the flame and to their fate, which keeps the crops healthy.